February 23, 2010

What's for 2010?

I've written a couple posts for this year, but none as to what I'm working on and what I plan and hope to accomplish for 2010.


First off, an update on Makilien. I've been working really hard on book 2, Courage. I just started chapter 11 of what will be somewhere around 30 chapters. It's definitely challenging every bit of my writing ability, which is a good thing, but it takes a lot of effort. I think Makilien means so much to me personally that I'm being especially critical of my writing so I'm constantly second guessing, tweaking things, and just overall wondering how I can make things better. It gets me feeling a bit frustrated at times, but I'm also having so much fun. Makilien is probably the most fun and enjoyable story I've ever written and I think, by the time I am finished, I'll have learned a great many things.


The next project I have planned to publish is Finding Faith, the conclusion of my Pirates & Faith series. Mom and I still have editing to do, but my planned release for it is sometime this spring. I have the trailer pretty much ready so once I have a better idea of exactly when the book will be available, I'll post the trailer.


After that, I'm not really sure what will come next as far as another book release. I've tried to be optimistic about the time frame of Makilien, but the challenges it's throwing at me are telling me it's going to be a while. Probably at least a year, so I'm trying to decide what to do between the release of Finding Faith and the completion of Makilien. I do have one plan, my music book. It's a around half done and I think I could probably complete it pretty quickly if I tried hard. So that might be what you have to look forward to for a new release later this year.


Other than that, I'm waiting to see how things pan out in a new all self-published books distributor, which, if it succeeds, could fulfill my dreams of making my writing a career. I also have ideas to start planning a mini book tour around the state as well as other means of promotion. I've been getting amazing feedback from the new friends I've been making so that is really encouraging. Ultimately, it's all in God's hands and I look forward to seeing what He has planned.

February 22, 2010

An Excellent Resource

I discovered an amazing blog just recently by Christian author K. M. Weiland. Her purpose for it is "helping writers become authors." It's an excellent resource for writing tips. I've already read all her entries straight through and after reading quite a few books on writing, I've never found anything as helpful as Miss Weiland's blog. Once I began reading, it was hard to stop and I can't wait to apply the abundance of information I gained to my own writing. If you're a writer, I highly recommend you take a look at the blog for yourself. It has certainly has helped me and I anxiously look forward to all her future posts.
