April 19, 2009

Making a Lot of Progress

Mom and I got so much done yesterday.  I had decided to put an author photo on the back of Every Tear and was thinking of getting a professional photo taken but decided to see what we could do first so I wouldn't have to pay for photos.  So yesterday morning Mom took a bunch of pictures of me around some of our neighbor's old farm buildings and after working with the photos in Photoshop, I am so happy with the result.  Anything I can do to save on money is a great thing.


everytearcover Later in the afternoon yesterday Mom started working on my cover layout.  We just worked more on it this afternoon too.  I've been watching and telling her the different things I have in mind and it has come together amazingly.  We really haven't worked on it that long, but I think it's pretty much finished.  I can hardly imagine having any publishing company do this for me.  It is WAY too much fun to do it ourselves.


Then, last night, Mom helped me finish up the book trailer, and I bought everything I needed for it.  I finished putting it all together today and now am very excited to get to share it with everyone.


Oh, I also have a name for my pirate series now, Pirates & Faith.  Once I put it on the book, it seemed perfect.