March 14, 2011

Colonial Fiction Research


While I was writing Pirates & Faith, I probably spent just as many hours, if not more, researching the early 18th century as I did writing the books. I collected a huge number of links to research pages (many of which are sadly no longer available). Here are a few of my favorite, which I considered the most useful.


A very long list of occupations in Colonial America. Many I had never even heard of, so if you're looking for an interesting, out of the ordinary occupation from a colonial character, this is the place to find ideas.


I was tickled to find this site because it's one of those websites that is exactly what I needed. You can look up the calendar for any year. Here I looked up the calendar for 1726 while I was writing Finding Faith.


One of my favorite websites for colonial research. There is so much to look at.


This is an interesting page with the cost of living during the 18th century.


A good page with a timeline of all the important events of the 1700s.


Photo by Mr. G's Travels on Flickr