April 04, 2011

More Helpful Writing Websites

As always, I come across some very interesting websites as I'm doing research and marketing. Recently, I've come across a couple more I wanted to share.


Redwood's Medical Edge, a great blog that is devoted to offering medical information specifically for writers of fiction.  http://www.jordynredwood.com/


Here is a very helpful website for writers. You can paste in selections of your writing and it will tell you the most frequently used words. Great to find words you may be using too often. http://www.wordcounter.com/


And this is a good website for marketing. I try to do a lot of marketing on Twitter, and like to find people who have the same interests to follow. That's not the easiest thing to actually do on Twitter, but this website makes it easy. You can search specifically for the type of people you'd like to follow, such as authors or homeschoolers. http://www.twellow.com/