April 25, 2008

Authorization to Print

This afternoon I received the form to sign authorizing Pleasant Word to print my book which means as soon as I sign it and send it back, my book will go to the printer!  This is the final step!  I'll probably get my first books in about three weeks.  I still can't quite imagine what that moment is going to be like, opening the box and getting to see my completed book for the first time.  I've been working on this for so long and to have just about reached the end is amazing.  In just a few weeks I will have gone from working to get my book published to trying to sell it.  I look forward to starting all the plans I have to promote it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Molly, How exciting about your first book. Will there be a sequel? I love the look of your blog to and the music. God be with you. Hugs